About the Author

Posted: by fredguile

I was about 12 when I wrote my first program.

Me and a few friends have been that kind of foolish kids constantly breaking their toys to see what’s inside, with ideas in mind so as to rebuilt them in a very different way. We didn’t know that a few years later, this obsession would turn into an “every-day” skill to help us compete with all the programming challenges we would meet during our career as software developers.

Nowadays, I’ve got more than ten years experience as a developer and I also dedicated a few years to project management. I usually work for the Internet industry, but I spend a lot of free time investigating software development on Windows and Mac OS X in order to satisfy some of my numerous hobbies such as hacking things or doing music with any piece of software & hardware.

I often involve myself into side-projects to dig things further. I like the “test-and-learn” manner, not for everything, but that’s generally a good way to achieve goals in Computer Science.

So I decided to run this blog to draft out some work into articles and tutorials.

I intent to write on various topics related to programming and web development, but for a start we’ll focus on computer music and audio programming, hoping that it helps anybody looking for this kind of tutorials on the Web. Please consider every article as a “permanent draft” that may or may not provide the best advice for an issue, and may possibly contain mistakes. That’s where you come into account : you must never hesitate to give your personal feedback by commenting my articles or even contacting me by email. By sharing our knowledge we’ll improve everything : you can link to my articles as I will possibly link to yours so as not to rewrite on things already debated.

You may contact me at [fredguile at gmail dot com]. I’ll be happy to hear anything you have in your mind about me or the stuffs presented in this blog.

Fred Ghilini.